Editorial Policy
Authors must ensure that the submission is free of linguistic errors and conforms to the journal's requirements for manuscript preparation. Manuscripts that are not written in compliance with author guidelines or do not demonstrate a proficient use of the English language will not be eligible for full external peer-review process and for publication.
Non-native speakers of English are advised to employ language editing services to have their manuscripts examined and edited by native language professionals for grammar, content clarity, formatting, punctuation, and spelling before submission.
The authors confirm that the submission is appropriate for the journal's scope, has not been published before, even partially, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, is prepared in conformity with the journal's publishing ethics, is approved by all co-authors, corresponding author is authorized to handle any communication regarding the manuscript on other co-authors' behalf, complies with the journal's author guidelines regarding stylistic, bibliographic, and linguistic standards.
Incoming submissions undergo an initial screening by the editors before they are sent out for peer review. At this point, editors can send the article back to the authors for adjustments or reject it without further evaluation. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening is reviewed by two or more external reviewers. Editors may appoint additional reviewers, request minor or major revisions from authors, or commit a final decision about manuscript at any point during peer review. The submission portal assigns each manuscript a unique manuscript ID, and this identification number should be provided in any communication with the editorial or support personnel.
The journal accepts the submission of research articles and review articles.