The Importance of Palliative Care in COVID-19
Orkun Saricam 1 * , Dogan Akdogan 2
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1 Department of Internal Medicine Clinic, Pursaklar State Hospital, Ankara, Turkey2 Department of Clinic Microbiology, Ankara Pursaklar State Hospital, Ankara, Turkey* Corresponding Author


Palliative care, special medical care for a person maintaining his/her life with a severe illness, is a philosophy of care and clinical specialty that improves the life quality of the patient and his/her family, providing relief from the symptoms and stress of life-threatening diseases. For families and healthcare professionals, caring for COVID-19-infected patients require complex symptom management, specific care goals, and psychosocial support. There are studies in the literature showing many favorable aspects of palliative care enabling achievements such as improvements in the quality of life, a shortened length of hospital stay, and reduced costs of care. Palliative care should be provided to all patients in need, regardless of their prognosis, and patients should have access to such life-supporting interventions.


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Article Type: Brief Report

EUROPEAN J MED ED TE, Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2021, Article No: em2115

Publication date: 14 Oct 2021

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