Measurement of emotional intelligence among interns of the department of internal medicine at Damascus University: A cross-sectional study
Nabeel Ali-Nizam 1 * , Mais Mohammed 1 , Hasan Alkhammash 1 , Noor Abbas 1 , Maysoun Kudsi 1
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1 Faculty of Medicine, Damascus University, Damascus, SYRIA* Corresponding Author


Background: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the capacity to understand, express, perceive, and manage emotions. It encompasses self-regulation, self-awareness, social skills, motivation, and empathy as its five fundamental components. Evidence shows that there is a relationship between EI and many components of clinical practice, such as empathy during medical consultations, building a strong relationship between the physician and patient, improving clinical performance, and increasing patient satisfaction.
Objective: The authors aimed to assess the EI among a sample of Syrian internal medicine interns.
Methods and participants: The authors have used a validated scale based on the self-report trait emotional intelligence questionnaire-short form categorized into four factors (well-being, self-control, emotionality, and sociability) included in 30 questions. A 7-point Likert scale was adopted. Four hundred and twenty participants from the department of internal medicine at Damascus University have voluntarily participated in our study.
Results: The mean score was 4.82 (95% confidence interval: 4.90-4.75). It was found that Interns who enjoy hobbies, with previous leadership roles, or choose their specialty based on interest exhibit higher EI. Additionally, age had a significant impact. The Cronbach’s alpha was > 0.85, indicating the validity and reliability of the scale.
Conclusions: It has been shown that age, hobbies, leadership experience, and interest in specialty have a significant impact on EI among interns of the department of internal medicine at Damascus University.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTR J MED ED TE, Volume 18, Issue 1, March 2025, Article No: em2502

Publication date: 25 Feb 2025

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