The study was intended to investigate the effect of empowerment on employee burnout and performance. The objectives of the study were to determine the relationships between employee burnout and employee performance at Mulago National Referral Hospital, to determine the relationship between employee empowerment and employee performance at Mulago National Referral Hospital and to establish the extent to which Mulago National Referral Hospital has put in place employee empowerment programs. In reference to the methodology used, the research was conducted using quantitative approach as Research Design. Data was collected using different Questionnaires as well as review of available documents and records. Data was analyzed using tally and frequency tables where conclusions were drawn from. The research findings showed that there was a connection among burnout and work execution. The outcomes affirmed that worker burnout may influence execution. Respondents who were sincerely depleted and depersonalized would in general have low execution, while the individuals who detailed high close to home achievement would in general be superior workers which were represented by estimation of the co-efficient as equivalents to 0.136. It was further revealed that there was no connection among strengthening and worker execution. In light of this, it ought to be noticed that representatives’ not generally on agreement of the degree in which worker strengthening practices was being utilized. This was represented by estimation of the co-efficient as equivalents to -0.052. The research concluded that taking everything into account, giving employees scope by designating specialist and basic leadership can enable them to feel engaged, which can improve execution, just as responsibility. As a proprietor, in a perfect world you need employees who can think and follow up on their own, inside specific rules, so you don't generally need to look out for their shoulder to ensure work completes appropriately.
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Article Type: Original Article
EUROPEAN J MED ED TE, Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2020, Article No: em2016
Publication date: 07 Oct 2020
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