The ability to perceive the principle symptoms of COVID-19 is very critical as to diminish and control disease in a suitable time. There are numerous similar symptoms of cold, influenza, hypersensitivities and novel coronavirus. The greatest difference is the brevity of breath related with COVID-19. This flu virus or cold does not cause brevity of breath except if it advances to pneumonia. Different symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and coughing dry, extended to incorporate chills, loss of taste and smell, ache of muscle and head and sore throat. A cold, incorporate sneezing, cough, stodgy nose. It clears up within few period by itself. Influenza, incorporate fever or hot/chills, ache of muscle and head and runny nose. It can prompt genuine complications, e.g. pneumonia and death. Sensitivity symptoms are hypersensitivities, irritated eyes, sneezing and nasal runny relying upon the season and environment. In spite of overlap, the regular symptoms of COVID-19 are more like influenza than the normal cold or sensitivity. Individuals at home can be able to treat mild COVID-19 symptoms. On the off chance that they notice increasingly severe indications. In case of serious symptoms, an individual should look for medical assistance right away and inform the health care insurance supplier that they may have COVID-19, to assist them with avoiding potential risk as well as take the appropriate safety. It is important to bear in mind that the correct diagnosis of COVID-19 is not clinical, but rather by examining a sample from the nose or mouth in a laboratory.
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Article Type: Review Article
EUROPEAN J MED ED TE, Volume 13, Issue 3, September 2020, Article No: em2014
Publication date: 29 Aug 2020
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