Administration safety and occupational risks relationship with job position training quality and needs of medical public health services workforce correlated by political leadership interventions
Ioannis Pantelis Adamopoulos 1 2 * , Niki Fotios Syrou 3 4
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1 Hellenic Republic Region of Attica, Department of Environmental Hygiene Public Health and Sanitarian Inspections, West Sector of Athens, Athens, GREECE2 Research Center of Excellence in Risk & Decision Sciences, School of Sciences, Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, European University Cyprus, Nicosia, CYPRUS3 Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thessaly, Karies, Trikala, GREECE4 Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GREECE* Corresponding Author


Background: Workplaces are changing, work exposures are changing, and medical public health workers’ ability to continue doing productive and healthy work is being impacted by social, technical, environmental, economic, and political pressures. This Research has shown the strong link between safety and occupational risks relationship with job position training quality and needs, and their consequences on medical public health services workforce. To determine the severity of the impact as signs of presents a range of threats provides evidence of the perceived risks predictors of these needs, although the sociodemographic characteristics describe the frequency of risk exposure.
Methods: This research is a nationwide study in Greece, construction March to June of 2022. For data collection, a web link was distributed to respondents by email. Providing n=185 responses, safety and occupational risks classification, and were measured with a questionnaire instrument developed, and also a questionnaire developed instrument for measured training needs and quality. ANOVAs one-way test to define variable properties job position, training quality, and training needs correlated by political leadership interventions factor (F).
Results: Chemical risks scores for head of office (median [Mdn]=2.13) were higher to all other job position, χ2= 10.991, p<0.05. Biological risks for head of office (Mdn=3.08) were higher compared to all other categories, χ2=20.770, p<0.01. Psychosocial risks scores for employees (Mdn=3.08) were higher compared to all other categories, χ2=11.349, p<0.05. Organizational risks scores for employees (Mdn=2.84) and head of office (Mdn=2.78) were higher compared to all other categories, and the Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that this difference was statistically significant, χ2(4)=18.278, p<0.01. Perceived training quality 43.78% of participants rate as low (β=0.195, p=0.002), and 65.41% high training needs.

Conclusions: Adding new data to advance the quality of public health services provision organizational support, benefits, resources, and personal protective equipment. Assist in the planning and decision-making phase management provide educational training programs of medical public health workforce to ensure sustainability and optimal performance. There has never been a greater need for trustworthy and unbiased information to assist and guide policymakers, employers, and employees as they go forward.


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Article Type: Original Article

ELECTR J MED ED TE, Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2023, Article No: em2305

Publication date: 20 Aug 2023

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